Basic Shapes and Fundamental forms 2 – Jugs and Jars

For this Jugs and Jars exercise I collected together 6 cylindrical objects including jars, vases, bottles and jugs as well as a glass and arranged them so I was looking slightly down at them. Then with a softish pencil I drew what I could see, then rearranged and drew them at a slightly different angle.

I flew through the pencil sketches in a matter of minutes as I had no fears of getting it wrong, knowing that I could always work the objects into shape with a few extra strokes.

1st Sketch HB
1st Sketch HB

I then moved the objects around and drew them from different angles and again, I breezed through this part of the exercise and the only time I used an eraser was to restart drawing the first object as I worked from left to right and I started drawing the glass teapot a little too low that the small jug at the front would have been off the page.

2nd sketch HB change of angle
2nd sketch HB change of angle

When it came down to drawing with pen I got nervous, knowing that I couldn’t erase anything, even though I hadn’t need to make real corrections while using the pencil and with this in my head I began to mess up and make some real mistakes. I drew the first couple of pen drawings with an Artline 0.3 Drawing pen and it was pretty crappy and scratchy, so I was forced to purchase a couple of Rotring Drawing pens.

1st Sketch with artliner
1st Sketch with Artline Drawing Pen

I found it a lot easier and smoother to draw with the Rotring so it gave me some confidence back but it would still take a lot of practise to get it right first time with a pen without using any kind of scaling system or going through it in pencil first.

2nd sketch Rotring Pen
With Rotring Drawing  Pen