Project Structure – Check and Log

2nd Pose 3 - Water Soluble Pencils Better Proportions

How accurately did you depict the overall proportions of the figure?

There was only one drawing where the proportions weren’t that accurate and that was the first drawing for the standing pose in the Three Drawings Exercise. I made a second attempt at the drawing and was completely satisfied.

2nd Pose 2 - Using Watersoluble Pencils for the first time
Standing Pose 1- Using Water soluble Pencils for the first time

For all the other drawings in this exercise, I feel that I managed to depict the overall proportions of the figure, very accurately.

2nd Pose 3 - Water Soluble Pencils Better Proportions
Standing pose 2 – Water Soluble Pencils Better Proportions

Did you try to imagine the sitters skeletons and muscles?

Yes I did, but the skeleton and muscles weren’t that obvious in the the three drawings exercise, mainly because the figure was clothed. I have not had that much chance to draw nude figures as it’s the school holidays and the kids have been about while I am drawing but I have chose clothing that still allows me to see the shape and limbs of the subject, which has helped a lot.

1 - Sitting, Conte, Charcoal, Conte Pencil
1 – Sitting, Conte, Charcoal, Conte Pencil

Did imagining underlying anatomy help convey structure and form?

Yes, very much so, particularly in the shoulders, chest, hips and arms. Anatomy is a subject that I would really like to continue to learn about and I have enjoyed reading through books on the subject such as Bridgman – A Guide to Drawing From Life and Burne Hogarth – Dynamic Anatomy.